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Author Guidelines

The Quarterly of Experimental and Cognitive Psychology welcomes submissions that align with the scope and aims of the journal. To ensure consistency and quality, authors are required to adhere to the following submission guidelines.

1. General Submission Requirements

  • Language: The full text of the article must be in Persian, with additional components such as the abstract and extended abstract in English.
  • Manuscript Structure: Manuscripts should follow the journal's standardized structure, which includes:
    1. Title (in Persian and English)
    2. Abstract (in Persian and English)
    3. Keywords (3–5 keywords in Persian and English)
    4. Main Text (in Persian)
    5. Extended Abstract (in English)
    6. References (in APA style, listed in both Persian and English alphabets where applicable).

2. Specific Formatting Guidelines

2.1 Fonts

  • Persian Text: Use B Lotus, font size 14 for the body, and 16 bold for headings.
  • English Text: Use **

Times New Roman, font size 12 for the body, and 14 bold for headings.

2.2 Margins and Spacing

  • Page margins should be set to 2.5 cm on all sides.
  • Line spacing: 1.5 for Persian text and single for English text.
  • Paragraph alignment: Justified for both Persian and English text.

2.3 Length

  • Abstract: Maximum of 250 words in both Persian and English.
  • Extended Abstract: Between 800–1200 words, written in English, providing a detailed summary of the research.
  • Main Text: No strict word limit, but typically between 4000–6000 words excluding references.

2.4 Sections

The manuscript should include the following sections:

  1. Introduction
  2. Methods
  3. Results
  4. Discussion
  5. Conclusion

Each section should be clearly labeled in Persian and properly structured to facilitate readability.

3. Abstract and Extended Abstract

3.1 Abstract

  • The abstract should summarize the research objective, methodology, key findings, and significance.
  • It must be written in both Persian and English, each not exceeding 250 words.
  • Include 3–5 keywords in both Persian and English, placed immediately after the abstract.

3.2 Extended Abstract

  • The extended abstract is mandatory and must provide a comprehensive summary of the research.
  • Length: Between 800–1200 words.
  • Include the following:
    • Introduction
    • Research Objectives
    • Methodology
    • Key Findings
    • Conclusions and Implications

4. Citation and Referencing

  • The journal follows the APA (7th Edition) referencing style for all in-text citations and the reference list.
  • References should be listed in the original language of the source. If the source is Persian, transliteration into the Latin alphabet is required for the English reference list.
  • Examples:
    • Persian:
      اصلانی، ر.، و رجبی، ع. (۱۳۹۹). بررسی تأثیر حافظه بر یادگیری. فصلنامه روانشناسی شناختی، ۲۴(۳)، ۱۵۰–۱۶۵.
    • English:
      Aslani, R., & Rajabi, A. (2020). Investigating the effect of memory on learning. Cognitive Psychology Quarterly, 24(3), 150–165.

5. Figures, Tables, and Illustrations

  • All figures and tables should be labeled and numbered sequentially in Persian (e.g., جدول ۱ or شکل ۱).
  • Captions must be provided in both Persian and English.
  • Figures and tables should be placed within the manuscript text near where they are first mentioned.

6. Ethical Considerations

  • Authors must adhere to ethical research practices and declare compliance with ethical standards for studies involving human or animal subjects.
  • A conflict-of-interest statement should be included in the manuscript.

7. Submission Process

  1. Prepare the manuscript according to these guidelines.
  2. Submit the manuscript via the journal's online submission system, ensuring all required components (e.g., full manuscript, cover letter, supplementary materials) are included.
  3. Authors are required to pay the Article Processing Charge (APC) of 1,500,000 Tomans upon acceptance.

8. Peer Review

  • Submissions undergo a double-blind peer review process, typically involving 2–3 reviewers.
  • Authors should anonymize the manuscript to ensure impartiality during the review process.

By adhering to these guidelines, authors contribute to the quality, consistency, and scholarly impact of the Quarterly of Experimental and Cognitive Psychology. For further inquiries or assistance, contact the editorial office.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • This submission meets the requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • This submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
  • All references have been checked for accuracy and completeness.
  • All tables and figures have been numbered and labeled.
  • Permission has been obtained to publish all photos, datasets and other material provided with this submission.


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