Analysis of Cognitive Factors Influencing the Learning of Ab-stract Concepts in Children
Abstract concept learning, cognitive factors, social support, personality traits, qualitative analysisAbstract
Objective: The aim of this study is to analyze the cognitive, environmental, social, and personality factors influencing children's learning of abstract concepts.
Methods and Materials: This qualitative research utilized semi-structured interviews with 27 children from Tehran. Participants were selected purposefully, and data collection continued until theoretical saturation was achieved. Data were analyzed using Nvivo software and thematic analysis.
Findings: The findings revealed that cognitive factors such as memory, attention, linguistic skills, and problem-solving significantly affect abstract concept learning. Additionally, family and school environments, social support, and personality traits like curiosity and creativity were crucial. Emotional support from family and peers notably enhanced motivation and learning ability.
Conclusion: Various factors, including cognitive abilities, supportive environments, and personality traits, play a pivotal role in children's learning of abstract concepts. Educational programs should be designed to strengthen and enhance these factors.