Analysis of the Meaning of Life in Individuals with Mood Disor-ders: A Qualitative Study
Mood disorders, meaning of life, major depression, bipolar disorder, coping strategies, social support, spiritualityAbstract
Objective: The objective of this study is to analyze the meaning of life in individuals with mood disorders (major depression and bipolar disorder) through a qualitative research approach.
Methods and Materials: This qualitative study was conducted using semi-structured interviews. A purposive sampling method was employed to select 22 participants (12 women and 10 men) with mood disorders from Tehran. Data were analyzed using Nvivo software and qualitative content analysis techniques. Participants were aged between 18 and 60 years, with varying levels of mood disorder severity.
Findings: Data analysis revealed three main themes: meaning of life, the impact of mood disorders on the meaning of life, and coping strategies. Participants highlighted themes such as "life purpose," "existential thinking," and "social connections" in relation to their sense of life meaning. Additionally, mood disorders had profound negative impacts on feelings of meaninglessness and existential crises. Among coping strategies, social support and spirituality were identified as effective tools for restoring the meaning of life.
Conclusion: Mood disorders can have significant effects on individuals' sense of meaning in life. Coping strategies, including social support and spirituality, can aid in the recovery of a sense of meaning and purpose. Therefore, therapeutic interventions should focus on these dimensions to enhance the quality of life and mental health of individuals with mood disorders.